Welcome to our club!

The collecting of GUINNESS® memorabilia is a fascinating pastime. An abundance of advertising material has been produced on behalf of this wonderful brand, some of it dating back to the 18th century. And with so much material to find, it's hardly surprising that new and previously unseen 'guinntiques' turn up on a regular basis. Some worth pennies/cents, others thousands of pounds/dollars. You just never know - and that's the fun and excitement.

Many collectors limit their collection to a certain area - waiter trays or playing cards perhaps. Others take the plunge and acquire all they come across bearing the famous brand name 'GUINNESS'.

And why not... you can always trade your unwanted GUINNESS® items for a 'guinntique' more suited to your own collection!

But where to start? Enjoy browsing our website and when you're ready to take your hobby to the next level, subscribe to the GCC and view over 5700 Guinness items in the following categories: